Sağlam: Permanent ceasefires should be ensured in Yemen and Libya

In his weekly statement on foreign agenda, HÜDA PAR Chairman İshak Sağlam call on the warring sides in Yemen and Libya to renounce armed conflicts and to find a political solution to the ongoing crises.

Ekleme: 11.05.2020 19:15:25 / Güncelleme: 11.05.2020 19:15:25 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
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Noting that the armed conflicts have not stabilized any country on the world, Sağlam said, “In order to ensure stability, the warring sides should renounce the armed conflict and prioritize the efforts to ensure a permanent ceasefire in the conflict areas and to find a political solution to ongoing crises.”

The occupation regime's plan to annex West Bank

Touching upon the occupation regime's plan to annex West Bank, Sağlam said: ”The occupation regime, which takes advantage from the conflict and chaos that the Islamic world is in, is preparing for annexation of the West Bank under the name of the so-called Deal of Century in violation of international resolutions and agreements. The upcoming visit of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to the occupied Palestine aims to legalize the occupation activities. It is shameful for the Islamic world that the Arab League has invited Russia, the United States and the European Union to take action against the occupation and destruction of the region by the USA and the Zionist regime. Unable to impose a deterrent sanction against the spread of the occupation, Islamic countries are still continuing the process of normalization with the occupation regime. The world should take action against the plan for the legalization of genocide and deportation and the annexation of the West Bank and take care of Palestine.”

Calling on human rights organizations to take action in order to ensure the safety of Palestinian prisoners in Zionist dungeons, Sağlam stated: “The occupation regime, which has been committing brutal crimes against Palestinians during the coronavirus outbreak, also deprived Palestinian prisoners held in prisons of treatment and left them to die. Human rights organizations, especially the World Health Organization, should not remain silent about these brutal crimes and should take action to protect Palestinian prisoners.”

“Permanent ceasefires should be ensured in Yemen and Libya”

About the recent situation in Yemen, Sağlam said:” In the first quarter of 2020, 195 civilians were killed in Yemen, which is on the brink of partition with the declaration of autonomy and a state of emergency by the Southern Transitional Council. In Yemen, one of the world's poorest countries, thousands of civilians have died in the ongoing civil war since 2014, while the lives of millions of people are at the risk due to limited access to food and clean water. In order to achieve stability in Yemen, to prevent civilian casualties and to deliver humanitarian aid to all regions, the countries that fought proxy wars there need to get their hands off it.”

“The armed conflicts have not stabilized any country on the world”

Point out the necessity of a ceasefire in Libya, Sağlam said: “He pointed out that a ceasefire must be achieved in Libya. “As well as Yemen, Libya has become a battlefield for proxy wars, a plot to the Syrian civil war has also been planned in Libya. The colonial powers, which stoke political tension in the country, arm the parties and make mercenaries fight each other, are the most responsible for the instability. In order to ensure stability, the warring sides should renounce the armed conflict and prioritize the efforts to ensure a permanent ceasefire in the conflict areas and to find a political solution to ongoing crises. The armed conflicts have not stabilized any country on the world.” (ILKHA)