European Yetim Eli hosts an iftar dinner in Africa on behalf of the late Ömer Döngeloğlu

The European Yetim Eli, an international help organization based in Mannheim, Germany, has hosted an iftar, or fast-breaking, dinner in Nigeria on behalf of the late Ömer Döngeloğlu.

Ekleme: 07.05.2020 17:40:26 / Güncelleme: 07.05.2020 17:40:26 / English News
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The European Yetim Eli (Orphan Help), which aids orphans and the needy across the World, is continuing its relief efforts in Africa, distributing the food and clothes, building the mosques and fresh water wells and carrying out the projects that aims to help the disabled.

The organization provided iftar meal to 220 orphan students as a part of its “Ramadan 2020” charity works.

Speaking to İLKHA News Agency about the charitable activities the European Yetim Eli is conducting during Ramadan month, Deputy Chairman of the organization Hüseyin Ateş said: “First of all, I celebrate everyone's holy month of Ramadan. As every year, we are carrying out our charitable activities during Ramadan month in many countries at the moment. We have been sending aid to dozens of countries from the Balkans to Asia, from Europe to the Middle East and Africa. May Allah be pleased with our benefactors. Of course, when you say Africa, drought, hunger and poverty come to mind. Indeed, the month of Ramadan is an opportunity and a blessing for them. We provided iftar meal to 220 orphan students from two orphanages on behalf of the late Ömer Döngeloğlu as a part of our 'Ramadan 2020' charity works. I once again wish Allah’s mercy upon him and extend once again my most sincere condolences to his family. As the European orphan hand, our charitable works continue, and will continue, by Allah's leave. We also expect help from our benefactors.” (ILKHA)