Sağlam: We condemn attacks aimed at undermining ways of political solution in Syria

In his weekly statement on foreign agenda, HÜDA PAR Chairman İshak Sağlam has made important assessments on the car bomb attack in Afrin, which killed at least 40 people, including children and women and the attacks against Muslims in India.

Ekleme: 04.05.2020 18:09:23 / Güncelleme: 04.05.2020 18:09:23 / English News
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Wishing Allah’s mercy for those who lost their lives in the car bomb attack in Afrin, Sağlam said: ”We condemn the perpetrators who targeted civilians in the Afrin attack and those who pursued policies aimed at prolonging the civil war in Syria as much as possible.”

He called on international organizations to impose sanctions on Indian government, which have fueled discrimination against Muslims and supported acts of violence by far-right militias, finally accusing Muslims of spreading the epidemic.

The car bomb attack in Afrin

Recalled that more than 40 civilians, including 11 children, were killed in a car bomb attack in Afrin on April 28, Sağlam said: “The attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure are unacceptable. We condemn the perpetrators who targeted civilians in the Afrin attack and those who pursued policies aimed at prolonging the civil war in Syria as much as possible. The Syrian crisis should be ended through political solution under the guarantee of the countries of the region and that all Syrian territory should be made safe for civilians. We wish Allah’s mercy for those who lost their lives attack and urgent healing for the injured.”

Discrimination against Muslims in India

Criticizing the attacks and discriminations against Muslims in India, Sağlam said: “The government of India, which has fueled discrimination against Muslims with its citizenship law and supported acts of violence by far-right militias, has finally accused Muslims of spreading the epidemic. Due to the discriminatory language used by the Indian government, the treatment of Muslims is hampered and Muslims are subject to attacks by far-right militias. The silence of international organizations and Islamic countries against India, which has carried out state terror against the 200 million Muslims living in the country in violation of religious freedoms, is encouraging the Indian administration and rights abuses continue to increase in the country. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation, human rights organizations and Islamic countries need to take urgent action against genocide attempts against Muslims in Asia, taking concrete deterrent steps against the Indian government.”

“It is essential that Islamic countries come together against the movements of hatred and discrimination, which is encouraged by the conflicts between Muslims “

Calling on Islamic countries to come together, Sağlam concluded as follows: “The blaming of Muslims for the spread of the epidemic in India as well as in some European countries is a result of anti-Islamism being fueled by politicians. The lack of a global organization, which will protect the legal and political rights of Muslims against regimes that take away the religious freedoms of minorities and incite acts of violence, is the biggest shortcoming. It is essential that Islamic countries come together against the movements of hatred and discrimination, which is encouraged by the conflicts between Muslims.” (ILKHA)