European Yetim Eli delivers aid to hundreds of families in war-struck Yemen

European Yetim Eli, an international help organization based in Mannheim, Germany, has continued its relief efforts in war-struck Yemen.

Ekleme: 26.04.2020 16:05:44 / Güncelleme: 26.04.2020 16:05:44 / English News
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The people of Yemen, who have become refugees in their own countries due to civil war that broke out in 2015, are struggling with hunger, being in need of food.

As a part of Ramadan 2020 relief efforts, the European Yetim Eli delivered aid, which included food, baby food, cleaning supplies, fresh water as well as the meat from the sacrifices of votive and aqiqa donated by philanthropists, to hundreds of families in Yemen, where dozens of children die from starvation every day.

The European Yetim Eli, which provides assistance to orphans, victims, needy and homeless people in many countries of the world, regardless of religion, language, race and sect, continues to provide assistance to the oppressed Yemen people who suffer greatly due to the civil war.

The European Yetim Eli, which delivers food, baby food and clean water to the people of war and poverty-stricken Yemen as part of its 2020 Ramadan relief efforts, also distributed to the needy the meat from sacrifices of votive and aqiqa donated by the philanthropists.