Spanish government to extend state of emergency over for 15 more days

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has decided to extend Spain's State of Emergency until May 9.

Ekleme: 19.04.2020 10:25:23 / Güncelleme: 19.04.2020 10:25:23 / English News
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Sanchez's decision will have to be approved by the cabinet when they meet on Wednesday before it can come into effect.

Sanchez also plans to relax the rule so they can get some fresh air. Children will be able to go out with their parents at short distances and at certain times beginning from April 27.

Each Saturday, Sanchez communicates with the Spanish government's Scientific Committee via video conference to hear their thoughts on the situation.

As of 19 April 2020, there have been 194,416 confirmed cases with 74,662 recoveries and 20,639 deaths in Spain.

The actual number of cases, however, is likely to be much higher, as many people with only mild or no symptoms are unlikely to have been tested. The number of deceased is also believed to be an underestimate due to lack of testing and reporting, perhaps by as much as 10,000 according to excess mortality analysis. (ILKHA)