Prophet Lovers Foundation issues a statement on coronavirus pandemic

Prophet Lovers Foundation has issued a statement on coronavirus pandemic, recommending actions for preventing the spread of the virus and activities that will make the best use of the time at home.

Ekleme: 30.03.2020 20:05:35 / Güncelleme: 30.03.2020 20:05:35 / English News
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The statement, which began with Surah Inshirah Ayat 5 that says  “Indeed, with hardship comes ease”, recalled that the new type of Corona Virus epidemic called Covid-19 had spread all over the world and had started to affect all countries.

“This disease can be transmitted very easily and quickly and can result in death, especially for those with chronic illnesses and the elderly,” the statement warned.

“The prophet once ordered for the places where infectious diseases occur that “those inside should not go out and those outside should not enter the diseased areas." In this sense, quarantine is in the command of Islam. It is a fact that we will be able to overcome this disease in a shorter space of time with the determined measures.”

The statement went on to say: “It is stated by scientists that the most basic method of protection from these diseases is staying in your own home. It is very important not to leave the house and cut social contact unless it is mandatory. Unfortunately, it is observed that this issue is not paid enough attention and not many people do this. So, people must comply with these health-related precautionary decisions.”

Point outing that It is not easy to stay at home in this process, especially because we have no idea how long it will last, the statement said: “However, again like it is stated in the Quran with every hardship comes ease. It is necessary to strive to make the best use of the current situation and conditions while calling upon our Lord to benefit this misfortune.”

The statement continued as follows:

“As the ‘Prophet Lovers Foundation we want our brothers to pay attention to the following issues and believe that they will make the best use of their time at home if they implement the recommended program.


1-To comply with the preventive measures determined by the scientific committee and the principles regarding quarantine and isolation.

• Avoiding social contact as much as possible.

• Avoiding as close contact as much as possible and maintaining the recommended distance when it is necessary to go out and meet face to face.

• When the disease symptom is seen, not hiding it from its environment and applying to the relevant health institution immediately and having the necessary tests.

2- To read the Qur'an.

Read together with other members of the family, as much as possible. If there are people in the family who cannot read the Quran, help and teach them.

3- To perform prayers in congregation.

To strive to perform daily prayers with the participation of all family members.

4- Trying to fulfil the nafl worship.

• To perform the sunnahs, along with the witr, Taraweeh (in the following month of Ramadan) etc.

• Fasting on Mondays and Thursdays of every week and if this is not possible then fasting on the 13th, 14th and 15th days, of Hijri calendar of each month.

• Also to make daily dhikr program for family members.

5- To do lessons with family members.

Taking cultural lessons up to an hour, taking into account the needs of family members. In this context; To focus on Islamic sciences (scholar, seerah, tafseer, aqaid, hadith etc) that family members need, issues on the agenda and common issues that are culturally needed.

6- Memorizing the Ayahs and Hadith.

To memorize them by determining time according to the ability level of family members. Also, memorize the hadiths at an appropriate level.

7- Reading books regularly.

Reading a book suitable for each family member. For this, to allocate certain hours of each day or a certain period for each individual to read books. When each book is read and finished, make a brief assessment of it.

8- Program the time allocated to TV, smartphone and internet.

Put restrictions on the time allocated to television so that family members do not waste their time. Using a smartphone, internet and social media when needed. To follow the news and current issues regularly and try to be informed.

9- To ensure that students focus on their educations/ lessons.

Whether in the form of formal education, open education and distance education, to ensure that the students learn lessons on what they lack on and accordingly follow the education program set out by the education’s secretary of the country.

Those doing hifz should practice a lot on the hifz they have done to maintain what they have learnt. To make a study program to ensure that those who learn Arabic or foreign languages in their madrasahs study their lessons regularly and make good use of time.

10- Acting economically.

Whether rich or poor, every family should act economically by calculating future time. It is not clear how long these quarantine and isolation applications will last. Due to the possibility of a long period, efforts should be made to take precautions for the problems that they or their families may face in the future by reducing the fixed expenses of those with fixed income. Unless compulsory, it is necessary not to buy household items, to be content with existing clothes and to minimize kitchen expenses.

11- Taking a break from visiting others

Not going to people’s houses as a guest and not accepting guests unless obliged to, to stop close contact. Making contact with neighbors, relatives and friends over the phone.

12- Regularly asking relatives and friends via your phone or WhatsApp group to be created and taking care of them by strengthening the contact with them, asking about their situation and trying to be aware of their situation.

13- Even if you do not go out, do not neglect the necessary mobility for body health by exercising daily at home.

14- To adjust the number of meals following the limitation of movement due to staying at home, to reduce the number of meals.

15- If the measures such as not going out due to the epidemic take a long time, it is possible to meet this need in the form of a picnic with the family members in the open air outside of the city and not in contact with other people.” (ILKHA)