Zarif call on the US to release Iranian scientists amid the coronavirus spread

In a statement on Twitter, Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif has criticized US for taking hostage Iranian scientists under detention.

Ekleme: 28.03.2020 17:45:23 / Güncelleme: 28.03.2020 17:45:23 / English News
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“US has taken several Iranian scientists hostage—without charge or on spurious sanctions charges—& not releasing them; even when its OWN courts reject the absurd charges. US even refuses medical furlough—amid #covid19—for innocent men jailed in horrific facilities. Release our men,” tweeted Zarif.

Despite being absolved in a US sanctions trial, Iranian scientist Dr. Sirous Asgari, remains detained by immigration authorities in inhumane conditions at jail which denies detainees masks and hand sanitizer amid the coronavirus spread. (ILKHA)