Turkey: 7 more people dies from coronavirus in the last 24 hours

7 more people have died from coronavirus in Turkey, bringing the total number of deaths to 37, announced Turkey’s Health Minister Fahrettin Koca on Twitter.

Ekleme: 24.03.2020 00:05:25 / Güncelleme: 24.03.2020 00:05:25 / English News
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“3,672 tests have been carried out in the last 24 hours. 293 new cases were confirmed with coronavirus. Despite our efforts, 7 more people succumbed to the disease,“ he said.

He also warned the youth against the virus, saying: “We have a warning to young people, you are not out of the epidemic. Slow down your life. Do not enter a risk environment. Don't take the risk home. Stay at home. Life fits home.” (ILKHA)