Ansarullah movement downs Saudi-led reconnaissance drone

Ansarullah intercepted and targeted an unmanned aerial vehicle belonging to the Saudi-led military coalition, the movement website announced on Thursday.

Ekleme: 06.03.2020 16:09:33 / Güncelleme: 06.03.2020 16:09:33 / English News
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"The Yemeni army’s air defenses on Thursday managed to shoot down a spy aircraft belonging to the U.S. Saudi-led aggression coalition on Jizan front," the statement said.

"The plane was downed by an appropriate weapon in the east of Khoba area while as it was flying in the skies over Saudi Arabia’s southwestern border region of Jizan, carrying out hostile missions," it added.

On February 22, the air defenses shot down a similar plane at the same front. (ILKHA)