European Yetim Eli continues to make children happy in Uganda

The European Yetim Eli, an international help organization based in Mannheim, Germany, has distributed clothes, shoes and stationary to hundreds of children in Kamuli city in Uganda.

Ekleme: 04.03.2020 17:40:48 / Güncelleme: 04.03.2020 17:40:48 / English News
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The European Yetim Eli (Orphan Help), which continues its relief efforts in Uganda, 7,500 km far away from Turkey, has been a hope for the needy across the World

​The organization, which has made happy thousands of people in the most remote areas in Uganda with its relief efforts, gave clothes, shoes and stationary to hundreds of children in Bukabula Village in Kambuli.

The delegation of the European Yetim Eli that reached to the village of Bukabula after a long journey was welcomed cheerfully by poor residents of the region with a traditional ceremony.

Speaking about the relief efforts that they have carried out in Uganda, Deputy Chairman of European Yetim Eli Hüseyin Ateş said that the poverty can be overcome only through education in Africa.

Ateş said: "As European Yetim Eli, we are continuing our relief efforts in Uganda. We have given clothes, shoes and stationary to hundreds of children. These children, who will be educated with the help of stationery, will also be useful to humanity. We say to our benefactors: 'Help these orphaned and aggrieved students in Africa, even if you donate a pen or an eraser, it will be very useful for them. We thank our benefactors, May the Lord accept from them."

Sheik Bangazi, one of the opinion leaders of the region, thanked the European Yetim Eli and philanthropists for their relief efforts. (ILKHA)