Sağlam: Syrian issue should be solved through negotiations

In his weekly statement on foreign agenda, HÜDA PAR Chairman İshak Sağlam made important observation about the tension between Turkey and Syria as well as Hindu atrocity on Muslims in India.

Ekleme: 04.03.2020 13:20:07 / Güncelleme: 04.03.2020 13:20:07 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
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Sağlam warned that the process in Idlib has reached a dangerous level, urging Turkey not to engage in an all-out war with Syria.

Underlining that the only way to overcome the chaotic situation in Syria is to hold negotiations, Sağlam said: "A negotiation process should be initiated under the leadership of Turkey and Iran, with the support of the countries in the region, excluding Russia and the United States."

The chaotic situation in Idlib

The situation in Idlib, which was declared as a de-escalation zone under the agreements of Sochi and Astana, has evolved into dangerous process. The process of turning Turkey into one of the warring sides appears to be about to begin in Syria conflict, where the political process has been sabotaged by Russia and the U.S.A.  since the beginning of the civil war.

"The U.S. wants to use Turkey as a proxy force in Syria," Sağlam warned and said: "After the TSK was targeted by regime forces, Turkey should not turn to the US and NATO axis in its Syria strategy. The US has pursued a policy against Turkey and is arming elements that threaten border security of Turkey in the civil war, which has negatively affected Turkey in terms of the influx of refugees and border security."

Turkey should not engage in an all-out war with Syria

Calling on Turkey's authorities, Sağlam went on to say: "Turkey should never be involved in this plan of the United States and should not engage in an all-out war with Syria. The operation should aim to force the regime to abide by the agreements and to prevent the massacres against civilians and new waves of migration. The only way to overcome the chaotic situation in Syria is to negotiate. A negotiation process should be initiated under the leadership of Turkey and Iran, with the support of the countries in the region, without Russia and the United States. The process of permanent ceasefire, drafting a new constitution, in which all elements are included, election and reconstruction must be started quickly."

The massacres of Muslims in India

Evaluating the massacres of Muslims in India, Sağlam said: "The fascist Indian government, which has turned the Jammu Kashmir region into an open-air prison with sanctions and massacres, has granted citizenship to non-Muslim immigrants through its new citizenship law, but has excluded indigenous Muslims. Muslims, who protest against this discriminatory legislation, are targeted by Hindus, their homes and businesses are torched and lynched to death."

"The practices of othering Muslims are a forewarning of a new genocide"

Sağlam said that Islamic countries remained silent on the Muslim massacre in India and added: "The massacres carried out under the supervision of the Indian 'security forces' and the practices of othering Muslims are the harbingers of a new genocide. Encouraged by the silence of Islamic countries against rights abuses in Kashmir, the Indian government is taking steps that will bypass Muslims in India as well.

Finally, Sağlam called on Organization of Islamic Cooperation, saying:" The situation in India once again has revealed the need for a formation of mechanism that will protect the rights of all Muslims who are persecuted, violated and subjected to political and social lynching in the world. The organization of Islamic Cooperation should be activated at this point and the Indian government should be subjected to deterrent sanctions." (ILKHA)