The turnout in the Iranian election realizes as 42.5%, Interior Minister says

More than 24 million Iranians, out of 58 million eligible voters, took part in the recent parliamentary election, Iranian Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani-Fazli announced on Monday.

Ekleme: 24.02.2020 12:05:21 / Güncelleme: 24.02.2020 12:05:21 / English News
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"24.512 million people, including 48 percent of woman and 52 percent of men took part in these elections,” Rahmani Fazli said, noting that the figures amount to an overall turnout rate of 42.57 percent.

Legislative elections were held in Iran on 21 February 2020, four years after the previous legislative election in 2016. (ILKHA)