Iran considers it to be its duty to support the Palestinian resistance groups: Khamenei

During the Ten-Day Dawn Celebrations, which are the days leading up to the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, Imam Khamenei - the Supreme Leader of Iran - met with various groups of people.

Ekleme: 06.02.2020 14:40:17 / Güncelleme: 06.02.2020 14:40:17 / English News
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In this meeting, Khamenei elaborated on the Zionist-American plot against the independence and sovereignty of the Palestinian Nation - the so-called 'Deal of the Century' - and declared: "The American aggressors and highwaymen recently unveiled a plan, which they called the 'Deal of the Century.' They have wishfully chosen a big name for it hoping to achieve it. In my opinion, what they are pursuing is firstly, foolish; secondly, it is a sign of viciousness; and thirdly, it has been detrimental to themselves since day one."

The American plot of the 'Deal of the Century' will die before Trump dies

Khamenei stated: "Why is it stupid? Because this plan will certainly achieve no results. This plan will die before Trump dies. Therefore, it is foolish to come and sit, spend money, invite, create an uproar, and unveil a plan that is doomed to failure."

He described the plan as an unmasking of the vicious nature of the United States and said: "Secondly, this plan is indicative of the U.S. government's viciousness and manipulation. Why? Because they have come to negotiate with the Zionists over what does not even belong to them. Palestine belongs to the Palestinians. Who are you to make a decision on it."

Imam Khamenei added that their plot has been backfiring on the plotters and asserted, "We said from the beginning that this has been detrimental to them since day one. Why? Because, all the efforts of the Front of Arrogance have been focused on making the name and memory of Palestine be forgotten; whereas, their actions have revived the question of Palestine. Today, all the world is talking about the oppression the people of Palestine are suffering from and the fact that the right is with them. Furthermore, they are condemning the U.S., all the world except for a few traitorous Arab rulers."

He referred to the U.S. and the Zionist regime's desperate, ineffective efforts to reach their goal by any means and stressed: "They will make efforts to advance this plan. They will rely on weapons and money to reach this goal. They will bribe some, lure others with weapons, and threaten some."

Khamenei described Resistance as being the only way to counter their vicious behavior and said, "What is the remedy? The remedy is bold resistance. The Palestinian nation, personages and organizations should force out the Zionists and the U.S. with their selfless Jihad. This is the only effective solution. All the Muslim world should also help and support the Palestinians."

He further added, "Of course, I believe that the Palestinian armed organizations are going to resist; they will continue the resistance. The solution is resistance."

Pointing to the active role of other Resistance groups in West Asia, he went on to say: "The resistance is not exclusive to the Palestinians in the West Asian region today. The resistance exists in a wider circle beyond Palestine, and will continue to grow day by day, by God's grace."

Khamenei reiterated Iran's long-standing support for the Palestinian cause and said: "We, the system of the Islamic Republic, consider it to be our duty to support the Palestinian resistance groups. We are going to support them, as much as we can and with all the means at our disposal."

Khamenei once again proposed a practical, peaceful solution to the question of Palestine by stating that, "The fundamental and crucial remedy for the question of Palestine is what we started some years ago, which has also been registered in some important international centres. All those of Palestinian origin - not those who later came to settle in the occupied territories - and of any religion, including Muslims, Christians and Jews, should take part in a poll to choose the system that they accept. Throughout Palestine, a government elected by the people should be established, so that it can make decisions regarding the issues of Palestine and decide about people like Netanyahu. This is the only effective way to solve the Palestinian issue and establish peace."

He gave news of the coming liberation of Al-Quds to the young people and said: "With God's assistance, this will be achieved. We hope you young people will see the day, and you will see that day, God willing, when you can perform prayers in Al-Quds, which is so important to them." (ILKHA)