European Yetim Eli distributes food aid in Kenya

The European Yetim Eli (Orphan Help), an international help organization based in Mannheim, Germany, has given food aid to the needy in Garissa, the capital of Garissa county, Kenya.

Ekleme: 28.01.2020 13:40:35 / Güncelleme: 28.01.2020 13:40:35 / English News
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The European Yetim Eli (Orphan Help), an international help organization based in Mannheim, Germany, is making orphans and the needy happy with relief efforts such as food and clothes aids, fresh water well projects as well as mass circumcision organizations in Africa.

Speaking to Ilke News Agency about acts of charity that they are carrying out in Kenya, Köln representative of the organization, Cahit Ataş said that they had the joy of travelling thousands of miles to deliver aid to families in need.

"The people in Garissa's villages are poor people. Therefore, we started our aid efforts with food aid in this village. We would like to thank all the philanthropists who have supported our distribution of food aid," he said and adding that as part of their relief efforts, they would carry out the projects such as the distribution of hundreds of milk goats, giving each family two milk goats.

Stating that they are very sorry for the oppressed Africans who are trying to hold on to life in poverty, Ataş said: "The families are living in abject poverty. People do not have proper clothes on; even they do not have shoes on their feet. There were people waiting here for hours to get a food package. We will stay in Kenya for a week, giving aids to the needy. (ILKHA)