Trump offers his condolences to Erdogan over quake in Turkey

U.S. President Donald Trump has offered his condolences to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on a phone call over the 6.8-magnitude earthquake in eastern Turkey, Communications Directorate announced in a statement on Tuesday.

Ekleme: 28.01.2020 09:40:17 / Güncelleme: 28.01.2020 09:40:17 / English News
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According to the statement, Trump told Erdogan that he stands by Turkey over the phone after the powerful earthquake, according to the statement.

"Donald Trump spoke with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey. The two leaders discussed the need to eliminate foreign interference and maintain the ceasefire in Libya. The leaders agreed that the violence being carried out in Idlib, Syria must stop," tweeted White House Deputy Press Secretary Judd Deere.

"President Trump also highlighted the importance of Turkey and Greece resolving their disagreements in the eastern Mediterranean," he added.

The 6.8-magnitude earthquake, centered on Sivrice district in Elazığ, occurred at 20:55 local time on 24 January. The magnitude of the earthquake was determined to be 6.8. The earthquake was felt in neighboring provinces of Elazığ, Diyarbakır, Malatya, Adıyaman and Samsun. Kandilli Observatory revised the size of the earthquake to 6.5.

The earthquake killed 41 people and injured more than 1600, making thousands homeless. (ILKHA)