The European Yetim Eli distributes aids in the Balkans

The European Yetim Eli (Orphan Help), an international help organization based in Mannheim, Germany, has given domestic appliances to the needy in Montenegro.

Ekleme: 18.01.2020 12:50:31 / Güncelleme: 18.01.2020 12:50:31 / English News
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The European Yetim Eli, which started its aid activities on January 5, distributing food, blankets, firewood and cleaning supplies to the people living in the campsite in Plav city of Montenegro, travelled from Montenegro to Kosovo and helped the needy there.

After completing the relief work in Kosovo, the European Yetim Eli came back to Montenegro to deliver domestic appliances and firewood to the needy in the town of Rojaye.

The European Yetim Eli delivered firewood aid to the families designated before, and then gave a washing machine to a woman who has a speech-handicapped child and a sick husband. The Family has to take their speech-handicapped child for treatment every month to Podgorica, which is 200 kilometers away from Rojaye where they live.

Speaking about the charity activities that they have done in the Balkans, Vice President of European Yetim Eli Hüseyin Ateş said: "We, as European Yetim Eli, are in Rojaye city of Montenegro now. We gave a washing machine to a family in need. They have three children, including one speech-handicapped child. The Family has to take their speech-handicapped child for treatment every month to Podgorica, which is 200 kilometers away from Rojaye where they live. They are indeed a poverty-stricken family. If charitable people want to help this family, they can contact us to reach out the family. With the support of the philanthropists, we provided the family with a washing machine in order to relieve some of their troubles. (ILKHA)