Reactions to the assassination of Qasem Soleimani

Main players in the international arena have reacted to the assassination of the head of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) General Soleimani.

Ekleme: 04.01.2020 10:35:12 / Güncelleme: 04.01.2020 10:35:12 / English News
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The assassination of the head of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) General Soleimani at Baghdad’s airport on Friday morning, in a U.S. airstrike authorized by President Trump, drew different responses from main players in the international arena around the world.




Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khameneı declared three daysof mourning and vowed to take tough revenge. President Hasan Rouhani also stated that Iran would take revenge.


Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif stated in a statement on Twitter that the attack was "an extremely dangerous and foolish escalation" and released a statement saying that "the brutality and stupidity of American terrorist forces in assassinating Commander Soleimani... will undoubtedly make the tree of resistance in the region and the world more prosperous."


Former Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps commander Mohsen Rezaee posted that Soleimani joined his martyred brothers, but they would take vigorous revenge on America.


United States


President Donald Trump tweeted pictures of the American flag shortly before the United States confirmed its responsibility for the attacks. His first comment after the strike was a tweet: "Iran never won a war, but never lost a negotiation!"


Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said "the game has changed" and stated that the United States would preemptively strike Iranian-backed paramilitary groups in Iraq if there were indications they were preparing to attack American forces. He also urged the Iraqi government to resist Iranian influence.


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stated the United States remains committed to de-escalation with Iran but will defend itself. He added that the United States has fortified its assets in the region and is prepared for any possible retaliation, including a cyber-attack.


United States Chairman of the Joint Chie fs Staff Mark Milley said that any group that attempted to overrun the Baghdad embassy will "run into a buzz saw".


Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said that President Donald Trump has tossed a stick of dynamite into a tinderbox with the targeted killing of Soleimani, Iran’s top general in an airstrike at Baghdad’s international airport.


Sen. Bernie Sanders said in a statement that Trump’s dangerous escalation brings the country closer to another disastrous war in the Middle East that could cost countless lives and trillions more dollars.




Outgoing Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi condemned the attack, calling it an assassination and stating that the strike was an act of aggression and a breach of Iraqi sovereignty, which would lead to war in Iraq. He said the strike violated the agreement on the presence of U.S. forces in Iraq and that safeguards for Iraq's security and sovereignty should be met with legislation. Muqtada es-Sadr leader of the Sadrist Movement and the Saraya al- Salam group, ordered his followers to "prepare to defend Iraq."




In a written statement, the Turkish foreign ministry noted the assassination of Soleimani would increase insecurity and instability in the region.


"Turkey has always been against foreign interventions, assassinations and sectarian conflicts in the region," the ministry said.


The ministry added that it was deeply concerned by the rising tensions between the US and Iran, and that turning Iraq into an arena for conflict would harm peace and stability in the region.




Russia stated that the assassination of Soleimani would increase tensions in the Middle East.


"The killing of Soleimani was an adventurist step that will increase tensions throughout the region. Soleimani served the cause of protecting Iran's national interests with devotion. We express our sincere condolences to the Iranian people," said Russian foreign ministry.




The Syrian government blamed the U.S. of trying to fuel conflict in the Middle East.


It stated that Syria is certain that this cowardly US aggression will only strengthen determination to follow in the path of the resistance's martyred leaders.


United Nations


Stating that UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is deeply concerned by the recent rise in tensions in the Middle East, his spokesperson said in a statement: "The secretary-general has consistently advocated for de-escalation in the Gulf," Farhan Haq said. "This is a moment in which leaders must exercise maximum restraint. The world cannot afford another war in the Gulf."




Hamas issued a statement and said: "Soleimani was one of the leading Iranian army officials who had an important role in supporting the Palestinian resistance. We condemn these continued American crimes sowing tensions in the region in service of the israeli enemy."


The Palestinian Islamic Jihad offered its condolences to the Iraqi people for the death of Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and added: "This Iraq, which will always remain disobedient to American hegemony and control, will always remain Arab with its fighters and greater than the occupation."




Calling for Soleimani's death to be avenged, Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said: "Meting out the appropriate punishment to these criminal assassins will be the responsibility and task of all resistance fighters worldwide."


"We who stayed by his side will follow in his footsteps and strive day and night to accomplish his goals," Nasrallah added.




Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesperson Ulrike Demmer urged restraint and de-escalation and said: "We are at a dangerous point of escalation. It is now important through prudence and restraint to contribute to de-escalation."


Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said the aim now was to prevent further escalation across the Middle East and added: "We are making use of our diplomatic channels to Iran and to other states in the region. Since this morning we have been in close contact with our British and French partners and with other European countries on how we can best work to calm the situation."




French Secretary of State for European Affairs Amelie de Montchalin said that France's priority is to stabilize the Middle East and went on to say: "What is happening is what we feared: Tensions between the United States and Iran are increasing, we have woken up to a more dangerous world. President Emmanuel Macron would consult soon with players in the region." (ILKHA)