Houthis downs Saudi drone

In Yemen, the Houthis said that they had shot down drone belonging to the Saudi regime.

Ekleme: 01.01.2020 13:35:26 / Güncelleme: 01.01.2020 13:35:26 / English News
Destek için 

Houthis' air defenses shot down another spy drone conducting surveillance for the coalition led by Saudi Arabia over the Razeh district of the northern province of Sa’ada on Monday.

Houthis shot down a Saudi Arabian Army Aviation AH-64 Apache on Nov. 29 using a surface to air missile. A video released by the Houthis clearly shows a surface to air missile fired at a patrolling Apache until the helicopter is hit and crashes in flames. Both pilots died.

Houthis announced the interception and shootdown of a Saudi drone on Nov. 10. Drone was later identified as a Wing long UCAV. Houthi media published pictures of the drone on fire and its wreckage. (ILKHA)