Sağlam: US military bases should be closed in Turkey

US military bases in Turkey that play an important role in Middle East policies should be closed, HÜDA PAR Chairman İshak Sağlam said on Tuesday.

Ekleme: 25.12.2019 12:09:17 / Güncelleme: 25.12.2019 12:09:17 / English News
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Reminding that the bill, which includes sanctions against Turkey for buying Russian surface-to-air missiles and bans delivery of F-35 fighter jets to Turkey, signed by US President Donald Trump on Friday, İskah Sağlam urged Turkish Government to take serious and effective measures against sanctions and close U. S. military bases, which play an important role in U.S. Middle East policies.

Speaking about the important developments in the world, Sağlam made important observations on issues such as the Deal of the Century Project and the zionists' illegal settlements in the Palestinian Territories, The Global Refugee Forum in Geneva and the Malaysia summit.

"Deal of the Century Project" and illegal settlements

Recalling that the details of the "Deal of the Century Project," in which Trump's son-in-law Kushner is the mastermind, have not been disclosed so far, Sağlam stated: "But the Netanyahu administration is prepared to announce the deal because of the political crisis it is going through. This project, which promises a solution to the Palestinian problem but gives an advantage to the Zionist occupation regime economically, politically and militarily, aims to take away the legal rights of the Palestinian people over their land by bribery. According to the plan, some of the countries of the region accepting the deal will pay money to the Zionist occupation regime. It aims to completely disarm the resistance groups and then to complete ethnic and religious liquidation."

"The deal, which has been leaked to the press partially, is claimed to be in favor of the Palestinian people, but as the resistance groups have stated, the deal is totally against the Palestinian people. Acceptance of the agreement will lead to the legitimation of the zionist occupation. It is important that the countries of the region and the Muslim public do not lose their sensitivity to the Palestinian cause and lead a solution plan in which all the Palestinians' lands that have been extorted by zionist occupation regime will be taken back," Sağlam added.

Global Refugee Forum

Commenting on Global Refugee Forum, Sağlam stated: " The' Global Refugee Forum ' was held in Geneva to find lasting solutions for those uprooted from their homes by wars and persecution. There are 41.3 million refugees displaced due to conflicts and hunger in the world and 25.9 million forced to leave the country because of their religion and nationality. The life has become more difficult for millions of displaced people, as anti-immigration has risen around the world and racist parties have come to power in some countries."

He evaluated the decisions which have been taken at the 'Global Refugee Forum' and said: "Although the Global Refugee Forum aims to find a solution to the migrant problem, the fact that some of the participating countries have imposed restrictions on the social and economic lives of migrants and use racist rhetoric makes it difficult to achieve a permanent solution. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees should set out a comprehensive plan for supervising the refugee policy of the host countries, ensuring safe returns, and establishing the economic and social welfare of refugees. In order to eliminate migration, it should develop measures to solve the problems of the countries that migrants come from due to civil wars and unrest, by establishing peace."

U.S. sanctions against Turkey 

About U.S. sanctions on Turkey, Sağlam said: "The 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which includes sanctions against Turkey for buying Russian surface-to-air missiles and bans the delivery of F-35 fighter jets to Turkey, signed by US President Donald Trump on Friday. The bill also includes a conditional lifting of the arms embargo imposed on Southern Cyprus since 1987. Sanctions, which are also imposed against companies involved in the construction of the Nord Stream 2 and TurkStream pipelines, are a move to design Turkey's foreign policy."

"Turkey should develop serious and effective measures against these steps and close U.S. military bases, which play an important role in U.S. Middle East policies," he said and added: "In addition, Turkey should review its membership of the US-led NATO. The United States today seeks to surround the countries economically and politically by using NATO effectively in its own colonialist policies."

"Malaysia summit should be supported"

Speaking about the Malaysia Summit, which took place in Kuala Lampur, the capital of Malaysia, with the participation of the heads of State of Turkey, Qatar, Iran and Malaysia, Sağlam said: "The Summit, which convenes annually, was first held in 2014. The Kuala Lumpur Summit 2019, titled 'The Role of Development in Achieving National Sovereignty', was hosted by Malaysia this year. The participation of the heads of State as well as hundreds of scholars, opinion leaders and politicians from the Islamic world, added a special importance to the forum. The fact that the heads of State of Pakistan and Indonesia, who are expected to attend the summit, did not attend due to the threats and blackmail of zionists and some imperialist forces shows the importance of this summit for the Islamic Ummah."

Sağlam concluded as follows: "The important platforms of the Islamic Ummah such as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Arab League, the Organization of Gulf Cooperation and the D-8 have so far failed to provide what is expected in finding solutions to the Ummah's problems. We hope that the issues discussed at the summit will not remain unfulfilled. We hope that this new platform will be strongly supported by other Islamic countries and evolved into an effective force." (ILKHA)