Trilateral Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs held in Tbilisi

Trilateral Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey held in Tbilisi on Monday.

Ekleme: 23.12.2019 17:50:07 / Güncelleme: 23.12.2019 17:50:07 / English News
Destek için 

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Çavuşoğlu said that at their meeting with Azerbaijan and Georgia Foreign Ministers, Trilateral Sectoral Cooperation Action Plan had been adopted and noted that this plan would further strengthen cooperation between three countries.

Tblisi statement, which was released after the meeting, read that the ministers emphasized their commitment to the Trabzon Declaration, the Batumi Joint Communiqué, the Ganja, Kars, Tbilisi, Baku and Istanbul Statements adopted in the previous Trilateral Meetings of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, as an important platform for both political dialogue and implementation of specific trilateral projects. (ILKHA)