House sales in Turkey increases by 54.4% in November 2019

More than 138,000 houses have been sold last month in Turkey, Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) said on Tuesday.

Ekleme: 17.12.2019 16:15:17 / Güncelleme: 17.12.2019 16:15:17 / English News
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According to the country's statistical authority, in Turkey, house sales increased by 54.4% in November 2019 compared to the same month of the previous year and hence, became 138,372.For the house sales of November 2019, İstanbul had the highest share of house sales with 18% and 24,924 sold house. The followers of İstanbul were Ankara with 14,406 house sales and İzmir 8,428 house sales with the share of 10.5% and 6.1% respectively. The least house sold provinces were Ardahan with 21 house sales, Hakkari with 44 house sales and Bayburt with 72 house sales.
In November 2019, 43 911 ownership of the houses changed by mortgage sales
The mortgaged house sales throughout Turkey became 43,911 by increasing 724.8% compared to the same month of the previous year. House sales with mortgage had a 31.7% share of all house sales in Turkey. Most of house sales with mortgage was in İstanbul with 8,183 sales. İstanbul was the first province in Turkey ranking that has most house sales with mortgage share with 18.6%. Mortgaged house sales had the highest share in Ardahan with 47.6% of all house sales.
Ownership of 94 461 houses changed by other sales
Other house sales in Turkey became 94,461 by increasing 12.1% compared to the same month of the previous year. In the other sales, İstanbul was the first province with 16,741 sales and 17.7% share. Other house sales had 67.2% share of all house sales in İstanbul. Ankara was the second province with 9,221 sales. Ankara was followed by İzmir with 5,283 sales. The least other house sales was realized in Ardahan with 11 house sales.
 In house sales, 48 909 of houses were sold for the first time
First house sales in Turkey became 48,909 by increasing 19.8% compared to the same month of the previous year. First house sales had 35.3% share of all house sales in Turkey. The most first house sales was in İstanbul with 8,494 sales. İstanbul was the first province in Turkey ranking that had most first house sales share with 17.4%. The followers of İstanbul were Ankara with 4,423 house sales and İzmir with 2,538 house sales.
Ownership of 89 463 houses changed by second hand sales
Second hand house sales in Turkey became 89,463 by increasing 83.3% compared to the same month of the previous year. In the second hand sales, İstanbul was the first province again with 16,430 sales and 18.4% share. Share of the second hand sales was 65.9% in İstanbul in total house sales. Ankara was the second province with 10 083 sales and Ankara was followed by İzmir with 5,890 sales.
In November 2019, 3 988 houses were sold to foreigners
In house sales to foreigners became 3,988 by decreasing 14.6% compared to the same month of the previous year. İstanbul was the first province with 1,885 sales in November 2019. The followers of İstanbul were Antalya with 825 house sales, Ankara with 218 house sales, Bursa with 128 house sales and Yalova with 110 house sales.
Most house sales were made to Iraq citizens
Iraq citizens bought 575 houses from Turkey in November. The followers of Iraq were Iran with 500 house sales, Russia with 300 house sales, Afghanistan with 216 house sales and Saudi Arabia with 174 house sales. (ILKHA)