Muslims in Uganda need mosques

In order to perform their religious obligations, Muslims living in Uganda, one of the poorest countries in Africa, need mosques as well as madrasahs where they can give Islamic education to their children.

Ekleme: 10.12.2019 10:40:16 / Güncelleme: 10.12.2019 10:40:16 / English News
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Mosques are scarce in Uganda, a land of poverty and orphans.

Because there are no mosques, Muslims worship in the streets on sand, or on pieces of cloth they lay under the trees. Muslims in the region also use these areas as madrasahs, Koran courses and schools.

Muslims cannot build water wells in Uganda due to financial difficulties. The existing water wells are miles away so Muslims often can't even find water to perform ablutions.

At a time when the financial opportunities are insufficient and missionary activities have reached extreme levels, Islam spread quickly in Uganda as a result of the activities of sensitive aid organizations in the Islamic world, especially in Turkey.

The Muslims of Bukomankola village of Kaluli district, who perform their prayers in their homes because there are no mosques, perform Friday prayers together in the area they use as a mosque on the pieces of cloth they lay under the trees. They call this area the Nebevi mosque.

Speaking to ILKHA news agency, Abdurrahman Kiyola, Imam of the Nabawi Masjid said: "As Ugandan Muslims, we want mosques where we can perform our worship in a comfortable way. We also need water wells from where we can meet our ablutions and drinking water needs."

Asking for help in the construction of the Nebevi Masjid, Abdurrahman Kiyola said:" It is very important that we have a mosque here. Because here we come together and pray for the sake of Allah. The grace of God we ask for. We need support, we need help building the mosque. But no one has given us any support so far." (ILKHA)