Yetim Eli helps orphaned children studying Holy Qur'an memorization in Uganda

The international charity organization European Yetim Eli has provided clothing and stationery to orphaned children studying Holy Qur'an memorization in Uganda.

Ekleme: 05.12.2019 11:55:19 / Güncelleme: 05.12.2019 11:55:19 / English News
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Muslims living in Uganda, the "Land of Orphans", which is one of the African countries, do not give up their education in the Qur'an despite very difficult conditions. Uganda's Kamuli region is known as a region famous for its Qur'an memorization schools.

There are schools in Kamuli where children can both receive Qur'an memorization education and continue their normal education, even in makeshift buildings.

The European Yetim Eli is working to improve school conditions while helping these children. The organization, which provides assistance to orphans and the needy in many countries of the world, especially in African countries, continues to delight people with its food and clothing aid, as well as its aid works such as mosque construction, water well projects and circumcision organizations.

The European Yetim Eli, who has been working in the most remote cities and villages of Uganda for charity, provided clothing and stationery to the students who have studied Qur'an memorization in the village of Namavendua in the Kaluli district, hundreds of kilometers from Kamuli, Uganda.

The Delegation of European Yetim Eli reached the village after a long journey of 7 hours. Village residents greeted the delegation with the traditional welcoming ceremony of the region.

Speaking to ILKHA about their aid, Vice President of European Yetim Eli Organization Huseyin Ateş pointed out that poverty in Africa could only be eliminated through education and added that they would continue to support education projects in Africa.

Noting that the village people they visited were zealous Muslims, Ateş said: "This area and this village is a really zealous Muslim village. There are a new and an old Masjid in this village. The Muslims in this region built the new masjid by collecting aid from their relatives abroad. They converted the old Masjid into a school. It's a makeshift school, though. Because there are no chairs and board in the school, the walls are ruined and the roof is not intact, and the wind and rain are coming in. But they created a school with their own efforts. 120 students are studying at this school

Ateş stated that the students in this school received both an academic education and Koran memorization training together, "We, as the European Yetim Eli, were instrumental in the donations sent by our benefactors and we helped the students in this school with clothing and distributed the Holy Qur'an and Elifbas.

But most importantly, a couple of months ago, this school asked us for bunk beds. Our benefactors have not been insensitive to this school's demand for bunk beds. We handed these bunks over to the school board. Is that enough? Of course, it's not enough. Because these sent bunks are 30-40. But 120 students are studying at this school. This school needs new bunk beds, stationery. The students in this school also need the Qur'an, Elifbas, shoes and clothes. So, the students at this school need a lot of thing. The people who live here need food, water wells."

Calling on philanthropists, Ateş said that the victimized people in African countries, especially Uganda, should be helped and taken care of. (İbrahim Koçyiğit-İLKHA)