Zionist gangs raze four homes of prisoners in al-Khalil

Zionist occupation gangs at dawn Thursday stormed Beit Kahil town in al-Khalil and demolished four homes belonging to Palestinian prisoners accused of carrying out the Etzion operation last August.

Ekleme: 28.11.2019 11:09:25 / Güncelleme: 28.11.2019 11:09:25 / English News
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According to local sources, the demolished homes belong to prisoners Ahmed Asafera and his brother Qasem, Naseer Asafera and Yousef Zahhour.

The demolitions led to the displacement of families living in the houses.

The sources added that the zionist occupation gangs cordoned off the area before carrying out the demolitions and later engaged in violent clashes with local youths.

The zionist occupation authority has accused the prisoners of killing an zionist soldier a few months ago on a road near the illegal settlement of Etzion in the north of al-Khalil. (ILKHA)