Thousands gather in Ankara to protest Israeli aggression in Gaza and Lebanon

Under the leadership of the Ankara Palestine Solidarity Platform, members of various foundations and associations gathered at Hacı Bayram Mosque after the morning prayer to express solidarity with Palestine and Lebanon.

Ekleme: 29.09.2024 10:40:11 / Güncelleme: 29.09.2024 10:40:11 / English News / Ankara Haberleri
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The event, held on Saturday, included prayers for the oppressed in Gaza and Lebanon and a press statement calling for resistance against the ongoing Israeli attacks.

The participants, holding banners and chanting the slogan “Don’t Forget the Genocide, Don’t Let Us Forget, Forgotten Genocide is Repeated!” emphasized the need for collective action against Israeli genocidal crimes.

The atmosphere outside Hacı Bayram Mosque was solemn yet determined, as participants came together not only to pray for the people of Palestine and Lebanon but also to voice their opposition to the escalating Israeli aggression in the region. The event began with an emotional prayer session, invoking divine support for those suffering in Gaza and Lebanon due to the ongoing Israeli military operations. It was clear that the gathering was not just a religious act but also a political statement of defiance against "illegal and immoral" occupation of Palestinian lands.

The platform used the occasion to announce an upcoming major demonstration. Zeynel Abidin Özkan, a board member of the Asma Köprü International Student Association, took the stage to inform the crowd about the "Revolt Against Genocide, Support for Palestine" march scheduled for Sunday, October 6, 2024, at 13:30. He invited all those who stand against oppression to participate, calling for a strong turnout from across Turkish society. The march, Özkan explained, will commence at Kurtuluş Park and culminate at Anadolu Square, providing a highly visible platform for citizens to voice their opposition to Israeli policies and demonstrate their support for the Palestinian cause.

“This march is not just a protest; it’s a call for moral conscience,” Özkan declared, urging those who have remained silent or neutral to stand with the oppressed people of Palestine and Lebanon. “This is a time for everyone to take a stance, to ensure that we don’t forget the crimes being committed against our brothers and sisters,” he added.

Mustafa Haşim Polat, representing the Cihannüma Ankara Branch, read a comprehensive and impassioned press statement on behalf of the Ankara Palestine Solidarity Platform. Addressing the crowd, Polat condemned the brutal Israeli attacks on Gaza and Lebanon, calling them "genocidal crimes" against humanity. "Dear people who came here early in the morning trying to keep their conscience awake in the face of the brutal attacks that bleed the conscience of humanity," Polat began, thanking those present for their dedication to the cause of justice.

He decried the global community’s failure to take meaningful action against Israel's aggression, saying: “For nearly a year, the world community has witnessed the genocidal crimes of the rampaging Zionist gang attacking Gaza. Yet, despite the mass killings of children, the destruction of homes, and the displacement of millions, there is little international outcry.” He further lamented the normalization of such atrocities in daily news, which he claimed dulls the collective conscience of humanity.

Polat’s statement was a blistering critique of global inaction. “Humanity is losing this test,” he stated, pointing to the failure of world leaders, international institutions, and even ordinary citizens to hold Israel accountable for its actions. “Leaders are losing their credibility, states are losing their seriousness, huge international organizations are losing their reputation, agreements and promises are losing their meaning,” he continued, urging those in attendance to “resist, boycott, and raise awareness.”

Polat emphasized that the Israeli military aggression is not just a Palestinian issue but a global threat. He argued that Israeli regime’s actions represent a broader menace to peace and stability in the region. "The rampaging aggression of Israeli gang goes beyond Gaza and Palestine, threatening all humanity," Polat declared, calling attention to the expansion of Israeli military campaigns into Lebanon and Syria. He warned that without resistance, this aggression could soon spread to Egypt, Jordan, and potentially Türkiye’s borders.

The statement drew on Islamic history and scripture to frame Israel’s actions as part of a larger, historical pattern of oppression. Quoting the Quran, Polat reminded the audience that the divine will would ultimately triumph over injustice. He predicted Israel’s downfall, stating that "the shameless group slaughtering our brothers and sisters in Lebanon is rapidly approaching its inevitable end." Polat’s remarks also invoked the verse from Surah al-Isra, which speaks of divine punishment for those who commit injustice, assuring attendees that the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance would prevail in the end.

Polat stressed the importance of both material and spiritual resistance, urging people to boycott companies, individuals, and institutions that support Israeli policies. He called on the crowd to raise awareness of the situation and hold accountable those who profit from or contribute to the ongoing violence. "We must know and boycott those who support this persecution on the basis of companies, individuals, institutions, and products," he declared, emphasizing that grassroots efforts can help shift public opinion and exert pressure on governments and corporations.

“We must announce, follow, and keep a tally of this persecution. We must put pressure on the authorities that can stop this persecution,” Polat stated, urging the need for consistent activism and public accountability.

Polat concluded by stressing the importance of keeping the memory of these atrocities alive, warning that a forgotten genocide is one that risks being repeated. “We must resist by arming our anger and patience,” he said, “and ensure that we never grow desensitized to this ongoing persecution.” The upcoming march on October 6, he said, is part of that effort to ensure that the voices of the oppressed continue to be heard, and that their suffering is not ignored.

The event ended with a solemn prayer led by Aytaç Aydın, during which attendees prayed for the martyrs of Gaza and Lebanon and asked for strength in the ongoing struggle against oppression. The crowd left the mosque with a renewed sense of purpose, ready to take part in the forthcoming march and continue their efforts to raise awareness about the situation in Palestine and Lebanon.

The final call of the event was a reminder of the upcoming march on Sunday, October 6, 2024. The organizers urged all citizens, NGOs, and institutions to participate in the protest march from Kurtuluş Park to Anadolu Square, where they plan to “raise their voices against the genocidal war of terrorist Israel.”

As Israeli genocidal aggression in Gaza and Lebanon reaches its one-year mark, the Ankara Palestine Solidarity Platform is determined to make sure that these atrocities are not forgotten and that resistance continues to grow.

The march will serve as a focal point for all those who oppose the violence and seek justice for the victims of Israeli aggression. (ILKHA)