Gaza’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital faces imminent shutdown due to supply shortages

Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in central Gaza has issued a critical warning, announcing that it may be forced to cease operations within the next 10 days due to severe shortages of fuel and generator parts.

Ekleme: 22.09.2024 10:05:50 / Güncelleme: 22.09.2024 10:05:50 / English News
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In a statement, the hospital, which provides medical services to over one million people in the region, explained that it has been operating on generators for the past year amid the ongoing conflict. The hospital highlighted the escalating crisis, stating that the shortages could lead to a "real humanitarian disaster."

Hospital officials have called on the World Health Organization (WHO), the Red Cross, and other international agencies to take immediate action to prevent the hospital’s closure. "We urgently appeal to international bodies to intervene and provide the necessary supplies to avoid the collapse of healthcare services in the region," the statement read.

The hospital plays a critical role in the central Gaza region, providing essential medical services to thousands of civilians affected by the conflict. (ILKHA)