Mosques in Bursa filled to capacity on Mawlid Al Nabi

Mosques across Bursa, including the historic Grand Mosque, were filled to capacity as worshippers gathered to mark Mawlid Al Nabi, the anniversary of the birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Ekleme: 15.09.2024 00:26:07 / Güncelleme: 15.09.2024 00:26:07 / English News / Bursa Haberleri
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Thousands of residents flocked to mosques on this sacred night, with the Grand Mosque, the largest and most iconic mosque in the city, seeing an overwhelming turnout. Muslims came together to participate in evening prayers, listen to the recitation of the Qur'an, and hear the traditional Mawlid-i Sharif, a poetic homage to the Prophet’s life and legacy.

Due to the large number of worshippers, many were unable to enter the packed mosque and had to pray in the mosque's courtyard. Despite the crowded conditions, the spirit of the night remained reverent, with citizens expressing their devotion and gratitude for the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Mawlid Al Nabi is an important religious occasion in Türkiye, celebrated with special prayers, sermons, and acts of charity across the country. (ILKHA)