Russia rules out territorial negotiations after Kursk attack

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has asserted that Russia will not negotiate its territory in response to the recent attack on the Kursk Region, dismissing any notion of territorial exchanges with Ukraine.

Ekleme: 01.09.2024 00:05:48 / Güncelleme: 01.09.2024 00:05:48 / English News
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In a recent interview with RT television, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov made it clear that Russia is not considering any territorial exchanges following the attack on the Kursk Region. Addressing the ongoing conflict with Ukraine, Lavrov criticized Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s alleged intentions, stating, "We do not discuss our territory with anyone. We do not negotiate about our territory."

Lavrov referenced comments made by Zelensky, suggesting that Ukraine may be seeking to use captured territory and prisoners as leverage for future exchanges. He dismissed this notion as "simple-minded and naive," reinforcing Russia's firm position on maintaining its territorial integrity.

The Foreign Minister also reiterated Russian President Vladimir Putin’s previous statements regarding negotiations. Lavrov quoted Putin, who had stated over a year and a half ago that Russia is not against talks, but warned that the longer they are delayed, the more difficult it will be to reach an agreement. He noted that an agreement could have been easily reached during the Istanbul negotiations shortly after the start of Russia's "special military operation."

Lavrov further explained that any resolution to the conflict must be based on the current reality, including the recognition of four new regions added to the Russian Federation, alongside Crimea. He also reiterated Russia's opposition to Ukraine joining NATO, stating that this issue is non-negotiable.

Despite ongoing tensions, Lavrov clarified that Russia is not currently seeking any negotiations. He criticized claims suggesting that Russia is avoiding talks while Ukraine is ready for them. Lavrov pointed to a decree issued by Zelensky prohibiting negotiations and urged international leaders to press Zelensky to reverse this decision.

The comments come in the wake of a recent Ukrainian attack on the Kursk Region, which has intensified discussions about the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The situation remains tense, with both sides holding firm on their respective positions.

Russia continues to emphasize its territorial claims and its stance against Ukraine's potential NATO membership, while also expressing frustration over what it views as Ukraine's reluctance to engage in meaningful negotiations. (ILKHA)