HÜDA PAR youth holds community gathering in Diyarbakır

The HÜDA PAR Youth Branch held its latest community gathering on Sunday at Roboski Park in the Kayapınar district of central Diyarbakır.

Ekleme: 26.08.2024 17:45:52 / Güncelleme: 26.08.2024 17:45:52 / English News / Diyarbakır Haberleri
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This event is part of the group’s ongoing series of weekly meetings, which take place at various locations across the city.

The program began with a Quran recitation, setting a spiritual tone for the gathering. Hüseyin İnci, a prominent speaker at the event, delivered a passionate speech emphasizing the traits expected of a Muslim character.

“In a true Muslim,” İnci stated, “the primary expectation is strong faith. We must accept and follow all of Allah’s commands without doubt or hesitation. Remember, nothing done for Allah is ever wasted. Every effort will be rewarded, whether in this world or the hereafter.”

He continued by highlighting the potential rewards for good deeds. “Allah rewards good deeds significantly, sometimes up to 700 times more, depending on our sincerity and intention.”

Addressing the supremacy of Islam, İnci declared: “Islam is the only true path to salvation. Other religions and ideologies may offer promises, but they cannot provide genuine solutions. It is through Islam that we find the way.”

İnci also spoke about the cyclical nature of victory and defeat, using Diyarbakır as a symbolic example. “Victory and dominance come in cycles,” he said. “We may be strong at times, but our enemies might prevail at others. Therefore, we must never lose hope. Diyarbakır today is a prime example of this. If Muslims work diligently, unite, and focus on the hereafter rather than worldly desires, they will achieve victory once more.”

Emphasizing the importance of self-control, İnci urged the audience, “As Muslims, we should stay away from what is forbidden, control ourselves and our desires, and be aware of our limits and boundaries. One of the ways to succeed is to distance ourselves from the things that Allah has forbidden.”

He also stressed the necessity of sincere devotion in worship. “We must be devoted to our acts of worship and perform them with desire and sincerity. Ensure that one of your feet is always in the mosque. Read the Quran daily, remember Allah, and repent for your mistakes and sins,” he advised.

The event continued with performances of Islamic songs and hymns by vocal artists, followed by various games and activities for children, creating a lively and engaging atmosphere for the participants.

The HÜDA PAR Youth Branch plans to continue its efforts to revitalize youth and families, aiming to counteract what it sees as corruptive influences from certain groups. “We are determined,” İnci concluded, “to strengthen the moral and spiritual foundations of our community, one gathering at a time.” (ILKHA)