Four Palestinians killed in Israeli drone attck on Nour Shams refugee camp

Four Palestinians were killed in an Israeli drone raid on the Nour Shams refugee camp, east of Tulkarem, late Tuesday night.

Ekleme: 03.07.2024 10:15:50 / Güncelleme: 03.07.2024 10:15:50 / English News
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Medical sources at Thabet Thabet Governmental Hospital confirmed the deaths of the four young men, who succumbed to critical injuries sustained during the attack. The victims were identified as Yazid Sa’ad Adel Shafe’, 22; Nemer Anwar Ahmad Hamarsheh, 25; Mohammed Yasir Raja Shahadeh, 20; and Mohammed Hassan Ghanem Knoh, 22.

This incident raises the death toll in Tulkarem to six over the past 24 hours. On Monday, a woman and a child were killed during an incursion by Israeli forces into the city and the camp. The woman died from shrapnel injuries to the neck and back, while the child was fatally shot in the head.

The incursion, which began on Monday, involved a large-scale military assault that lasted over seven hours, causing widespread destruction of infrastructure and property in the camp.

In another incident on Sunday, 24-year-old Saeed Ezzat Jaber was killed and five others were injured, including two seriously, after an Israeli airstrike targeted a house in the al-Manshiya neighborhood of Nour Shams camp.

Since the escalation of Israeli aggression on October 7, 2023, the death toll in the West Bank has risen to 560, including 136 children. Additionally, approximately 5,300 individuals have been wounded during this period. (ILKHA)