Orphans Foundation distributes Holy Qurans to madrasa students in Chad

The Orphans Foundation (Yetimler Vakfı) provided the copies of Holy Quran to 250 students, including orphans, studying at the Nurulhüda Madrasa located near Chad's capital, N'Djamena.

Ekleme: 14.06.2024 16:35:46 / Güncelleme: 14.06.2024 16:35:46 / English News
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The madrasa, 20 kilometers away from the capital, focuses on hafiz education, a demanding program to memorize the Quran. The Orphans Foundation identified a lack of Qurans as a hurdle for the students and distributed copies donated by philanthropists.

Celalettin Kılıç, the Orphans Foundation's representative in Chad, highlighted their commitment to aiding orphans, families in need, and education initiatives.  He expressed gratitude to the donors and their role in facilitating the students' Quranic studies.

"We have identified several needs at the madrasah, and providing Qurans was a priority. We hope to address other deficiencies with the support of philanthropists," Kılıç stated.

The distribution of the Holy Qurans was part of the foundation's broader efforts during Eid al-Adha, traditionally a time of charitable acts and community support. "Every year, especially in African countries, we conduct sacrificial slaughter missions. This year, we began by fulfilling educational needs at the madrasah," Kılıç added, urging further contributions from donors to support ongoing charitable initiatives.

This effort aligns with the Orphans Foundation's tradition of supporting sacrifice slaughters and charitable projects in African countries, particularly during Eid al-Adha. Kılıç emphasized their aim to address other needs at the madrasa and urged further donations from benefactors.

The distribution ceremony concluded with a collective prayer attended by all the students. (ILKHA)