Gaza urges global action against Israeli 'war of atarvation'

The Government Media Office (GMO) in Gaza Strip issued a statement on Thursday, accusing Israel of escalating a "war of starvation" against Palestinians in the coastal enclave.

Ekleme: 14.06.2024 12:10:13 / Güncelleme: 14.06.2024 12:10:13 / English News
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According to the statement, the situation is particularly dire in northern Gaza due to Israel's closure of crossings and severe restrictions on humanitarian aid trucks entering the territory.

"The Zionist occupation’s brutal tactics of starvation, denial of medical care, and thirst are being used as weapons during this barbaric aggression," the statement declared, labeling these actions as "war crimes" and an extension of Israel's alleged genocide against Gaza's population.

The GMO called upon media outlets and activists worldwide to draw attention to the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in Gaza and to shed light on the suffering of its people.

"We urgently appeal to international and humanitarian organizations to take immediate action to provide essential food and aid to the people of Gaza," the statement continued, urging intensified efforts to pressure Israel into allowing unrestricted access for humanitarian assistance.

Additionally, the statement urged the international community, including the United Nations, to intervene swiftly to compel Israel to cease what it described as aggression against unarmed civilians, particularly women and children.

The situation in Gaza has been escalating amidst ongoing conflict, with humanitarian concerns reaching critical levels as essential supplies remain scarce. (ILKHA)