Inonu University graduates dedicate ceremony to Gaza, call for global action

Graduating students from Inonu University's Faculty of Health Sciences and other faculties dedicated their graduation to the memory of students martyred in Gaza and those unable to graduate due to the ongoing Israeli genocide.

Ekleme: 12.06.2024 14:45:49 / Güncelleme: 12.06.2024 14:45:49 / English News / Malatya Haberleri
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Held at the Ilahiyat Mosque and organized by the Malatya Provincial Mufti's Office Youth Coordinatorship, the ceremony highlighted the plight of Palestinians and called for global action.

"Universities in Gaza are giving martyrs, not graduates,"said Nihat Topçu, Social Media Officer of the Our Heritage Al-Quds Association, delivering a speech emphasizing the human cost of the conflict. He referred to the loss of student life in Gaza, praising the ceremony's focus on raising awareness.

“We don't know how many of our student brothers lost their lives," Topçu continued. "Our brothers in Gaza are fulfilling an obligation on behalf of all of us, on behalf of free Jerusalem, free Al-Aqsa Mosque, and their struggle is called the Al-Aqsa Mosque Flood. Today, from America to the Far East, to every city in Europe, tens of thousands of people have become interested in Islam, have become Muslims, and what we call the deluge in the real sense has led to a global awakening."

He contrasted the situation in Gaza with graduation ceremonies elsewhere, highlighting the urgency of the situation. "You could have organized a different graduation ceremony today," Topçu said to the graduates. "However, I find this event very meaningful in order to fulfill a vigil for both Gaza and Jerusalem, and to raise awareness in a process where we can see the bodies of the agencies that send news from Gaza while we can see their graduation ceremonies."

Aysel Çeri, a graduating nursing student, condemned the targeting of healthcare workers in Gaza. "Hospitals are bombed while health workers are treating the wounded," she said. "Patients and healthcare workers are being massacred!"

Çeri pledged to defend human life throughout her career. "As a health worker, I promise to protect human life for the rest of my life and I support the health workers in Gaza. Don't be silent and raise your voice against the genocide!"

Hacer Yeşil, a preschool teacher, used her speech to honor the resilience of the Palestinian people. "On the streets of Gaza, young minds, old people, young people, women, children... who have embraced martyrdom teach all the consciences of the world compassion, courage, humanity, and even Islam, and the principles of morality to humanity and people as a teacher," Yeşil said.

"A city where hope is the motto of a people who have embraced tawakkul (trust in God). It teaches the whole world. They are fighting for the freedom of their homeland with the rise of the original Saadet (true happiness)," Yeşil added.

The ceremony concluded with a poem about Palestine and Gaza, a prayer, and the distribution of Palestinian headscarves to the graduates. The event served as a powerful call to action for the graduates and the wider community to stand in solidarity with the Palestinians. (ILKHA)