Zionist forces kidnap numerous Palestinians in West Bank raids

Zionist occupation forces have kidnaped numerous Palestinian citizens in a series of raids across the occupied West Bank, leading to confrontations with Resistance fighters.

Ekleme: 09.06.2024 15:50:48 / Güncelleme: 09.06.2024 15:50:48 / English News
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Early Sunday morning, a Palestinian woman and six youths were detained in Arraba, while three brothers were taken into custody in al-Khalil following the earlier detention of their father. Fierce clashes erupted between Resistance fighters and occupation forces in the Balata refugee camp, with gunfire and explosive devices being used. Similar confrontations were reported in Fasayil and Sinjil.

Reports indicate that over 9,100 Palestinians have been detained in the West Bank since the onset of the Israeli war on Gaza. Israeli authorities have not disclosed information regarding detainees from Gaza.

Tragically, Mo’men Omar Abu Asal, 22, succumbed to critical injuries sustained during an incursion in Anabta, east of Tulkarm. Abu Asal was shot by Israeli occupation forces and later died at Martyr Thabet Thabet Government Hospital in Tulkarm.

The ongoing detentions and clashes underscore the heightened tensions and instability in the region as the conflict continues. (ILKHA)