International Union of Muslim Scholars urges immediate action to protect Gaza civilians

In response to the recent massacre and ongoing genocide in Gaza, the International Union of Muslim Scholars issued a statement calling on Islamic and Arab leaders to take decisive action to protect civilians, particularly women and children.

Ekleme: 08.06.2024 16:35:44 / Güncelleme: 08.06.2024 16:35:44 / English News
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The Union expressed strong condemnation of the actions of the Israeli occupation forces, welcoming the United Nations' decision to blacklist the occupation regime for its systematic targeting of children and women. They urged for the continuation and reinforcement of this decision to further isolate the perpetrators.

"We call on the leaders of our Ummah to take effective action to protect women and children in Gaza. The genocide in Gaza has crossed all limits and red lines, including the systematic killing of women, children, and journalists for more than eight months, the ongoing starvation policy, the lack of respect for any international or humanitarian law, and the systematic destruction of hospitals and places of worship," the statement read.

The statement also criticized the support Israel receives from countries like the United States, Britain, Germany, Italy, and certain Arab nations, which it claims enables the occupation's "barbarism and Nazism." The Union emphasized the detrimental impact of the American veto, which consistently supports Israel.

"Unfortunately, the occupying regime relies on the United States, Britain, Germany, Italy, and some supportive Arab countries in its barbarism and Nazism, because the American veto is always in favor and in the service of Israel," the statement said. "Therefore, we welcome the latest UN resolution, which despairs of any law that would deter the Nazi state, and we call for more, even its expulsion from the United Nations."

Citing the Holy Quran, the Union underscored the moral and religious duty of Islamic and Arab nations to protect the oppressed in Gaza. The statement quoted scripture to emphasize the importance of standing against oppression and supporting those in need.

"This decision is an indication that the Holy Quran points out that the Zionists, the owners of the second great fitnah and oppression, will blacken their faces with their Nazi behavior and then their end will begin. Allah Almighty has said: 'And when the time of the other punishment comes, We have again brought your enemies upon you, so that they may blacken your faces, and enter the Masjid (Solomon's Temple) as they entered it before, and utterly destroy whatever they can lay their hands on. (Isrâ: 7)' On this occasion, we call upon the leaders of our Islamic and Arab nations to take effective action to protect the children and women left behind."

The Union questioned the conscience and action of Muslim leaders, urging them to mobilize their resources to protect those suffering in Gaza. They highlighted this as a legitimate, humanitarian, and moral duty commanded by Allah, referencing another verse: “What is wrong with you that you do not fight in the way of Allah and for the sake of the poor men, women, and children who say: ‘Our Lord, take us out of this city whose inhabitants are oppressors, and send us a master from your side, and send us a helper from your side’ (Al-Nisa: 75).”

The statement concludes with a powerful call to action for the leaders of Islamic and Arab nations to intervene and protect the oppressed people of Gaza, urging a unified and decisive response to the ongoing humanitarian crisis. (ILKHA)