Children in Gaza need life-saving support, says UNICEF

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), once again urged for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. UNICEF shared a statement on its website emphasizing the fact that there is “no safe place for children [in Gaza] as humanitarian crisis deepens.”

Ekleme: 06.06.2024 15:05:52 / Güncelleme: 06.06.2024 15:05:52 / English News
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According to information obtained from the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the estimated number of child casualties in Gaza is more than 14 thousand while thousands more are wounded.

“The conflict in the Gaza Strip is taking a catastrophic toll on children,” said the statement, and adding: “There are no safe spaces. All of Gaza’s children have been exposed to the traumatic experiences of war, the consequences of which will last a lifetime.”

Approximately 1.7 million individuals in the Gaza Strip are believed to have experienced internal displacement, with children accounting for half of this population. Insufficient access to water, food, fuel, and medication is evident. Their houses have been destroyed; their relatives have been separated.

UNICEF reiterated the need for children “to be protected, along with the remaining services that they rely on, including medical facilities and shelter.”

“Rafah is now a city of children, who have nowhere safe to go in Gaza.” and called for “an immediate and long-lasting humanitarian ceasefire," the statement concluded.  (ILKHA)