Hope Caravan distributes Holy Qur'ans to Tanzanian girls and locals in Ilala

Hope Caravan Foundation, a humanitarian organization, distributed copies of the Holy Quran to girls studying to become hafiz (memorizers of the Quran) and local residents in the Ilala district of Tanzania.

Ekleme: 05.06.2024 15:15:38 / Güncelleme: 05.06.2024 15:15:38 / English News
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The distribution event took place 35 kilometers away from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania's former capital. Hundreds of people attended the event and expressed their appreciation for Hope Caravan's meaningful aid.

Abdulvahap Kaplan, a Hope Caravan aid volunteer who has been in Tanzania for six months, said that the organization has been involved in numerous aid activities during his time there. He was particularly struck by the enthusiasm for the Quran distribution, noting that there had never been a stampede at any of their previous aid events.

"People's love and interest in the Holy Quran surprised and delighted us," Kaplan said. "We have once again seen how important this holy book is in the hearts of the people."

Kaplan also emphasized that the Quran is a guide for life, not just for Muslims. He expressed Hope Caravan's commitment to continuing its aid efforts and reaching more people in Tanzania. The organization plans to expand its aid activities to encompass education, health, food, and shelter.

Hope Caravan is calling for donations from philanthropists to support its ongoing relief efforts in Tanzania. People can donate through the organization's website or volunteer their time. (ILKHA)