U.S. and British strikes on Yemen's Hodeidah Province kill 14, injure over 30

Yemen's Al-Masirah television reported on Friday that U.S. and British airstrikes in Hodeidah province resulted in the deaths of 14 people and injured over 30 others.

Ekleme: 31.05.2024 10:10:52 / Güncelleme: 31.05.2024 10:10:52 / English News
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The strikes targeted a radio building in the Al-Hawk district and the port of Salif, the outlet said.

The U.S. and British militaries confirmed the joint operation, stating that they conducted strikes against Yemeni targets on Thursday. According to the U.S. Central Command, the forces hit 13 targets in areas controlled by Ansar Allah.

The British Defence Ministry detailed that the operation focused on three locations in the Red Sea port city of Hodeidah, believed to house drones and surface-to-air weapons. "As ever, the utmost care was taken in planning the strikes to minimise any risk to civilians or non-military infrastructure," the ministry stated.

The Houthis, who control Yemen's capital and other densely populated areas, have been attacking international shipping in the Red Sea since November, in support of the Palestinians against Israeli genocide in Gaza. (ILKHA)