Syria sends first pilgrim flight to Saudi Arabia after 12 years

A Syrian airplane carrying 270 pilgrims took off for Saudi Arabia on Tuesday, marking the first direct flight between the two countries in over a decade.

Ekleme: 28.05.2024 20:06:34 / Güncelleme: 28.05.2024 20:06:34 / English News
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This resumption of air travel is limited to the Hajj pilgrimage season for now, according to Syria's Transport Ministry.

The flight signifies a thawing of relations between Syria and Saudi Arabia. Syria was expelled from the Arab League in 2011 due to the government's crackdown on protests. However, the country was readmitted in 2023, and many Arab nations have since restored diplomatic ties with Syria.

It remains unclear whether regular flights between Syria and Saudi Arabia will resume in the future. (ILKHA)