University students continue vigil for Gaza and Jerusalem in Malatya

Student communities at Inönü University in Malatya have pledged to continue their vigil in tents set up on campus under the slogan “Campus Intifada” until the genocide in Gaza ceases.

Ekleme: 24.05.2024 17:31:20 / Güncelleme: 24.05.2024 17:31:20 / English News / Malatya Haberleri
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The students aim to raise awareness about the situation in Gaza and Jerusalem, and they have been organizing various activities since the onset of the conflict.

Their actions culminated in a press statement delivered after Friday prayers, condemning the genocide and calling for an end to the Israeli occupation.

The press statement, delivered by a student representative named Umut Uludağ, painted a grim picture of the situation in Gaza. Uludağ emphasized that the years-long occupation had escalated into a "full-blown genocide" in recent months, with Israeli airstrikes causing widespread devastation.

"Tons of bombs have rained down on civilians," Uludağ lamented, "resulting in tens of thousands of innocent people martyred, injured, and displaced. Hospitals, schools, and essential infrastructure lie in ruins, hindering the delivery of critical humanitarian aid like food and water."

The statement further condemned the crackdown on pro-Palestine demonstrations. Uludağ recounted how universities across the globe, including İnönü University, witnessed the arrest and violence inflicted upon faculty members and students who participated in peaceful protests.

Uludağ's message extended beyond condemnation. He urged the international community to take immediate action. "We demand an end to this genocide in Gaza," he declared, "and call for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the region. Humanitarian aid must be allowed to reach those in dire need, and Gaza must be rebuilt."

The press statement also served as a moment of remembrance for a Palestinian martyr recently laid to rest in Turkey.  Uludağ expressed solidarity with the martyr's family and delivered a powerful message: "The Zionist oppressors should be warned – thousands more stand ready to follow the path of martyrdom. The Palestinian struggle will not be silenced."

The student representative's address concluded with a call for unity within the Muslim world. Uludağ pointed out the disunity among Muslim nations as a major obstacle to ending the Israeli occupation. He emphasized the importance of "wahdat" (unity) and "imamate" (leadership) to confront the challenges faced by Muslims globally.

"The silence of some Muslim leaders and the inaction of others embolden the United States and the Zionists," Uludağ asserted.  "The targeting of Palestine is a harbinger of threats to come for other Muslim nations. Unity is paramount – if not now, when?"

Uludağ's final words resonated with a call for Muslim solidarity: "The path to regaining honor and dignity lies in uniting around the Quran and Sunnah, discarding petty differences and embracing the true spirit of brotherhood." He concluded by urging Muslim nations to come together in defense of Masjid al-Aqsa, a holy site of immense importance to the Islamic faith.

By combining their vigil with the press statement, Malatya İnönü University students have become a powerful voice advocating for peace and justice in Palestine. Their actions serve as a potent reminder of the ongoing struggle and the urgent need for international action. (ILKHA)