Protesters in Diyarbakir demand support for HAMAS and Palestinian resistance

The Prophet’s Lovers Foundation has once again denounced the relentless attacks of the Israeli occupation regime against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, describing them as a massacre and genocide.

Ekleme: 24.05.2024 16:06:19 / Güncelleme: 24.05.2024 16:06:19 / English News / Diyarbakır Haberleri
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In a protest organized in Diyarbakir, speakers highlighted the ongoing resistance in Gaza and accused the Israeli government of planning to deport Gazan civilians to the Sinai Peninsula.

During the event held in front of the Grand in the central Sur district of Diyarbakir, a detailed press statement was read by Süleyman Börü on behalf of the Foundation.

Starting his statement with the verse “The oppressors will soon see with what kind of revolution they will be overthrown (Shu'ara 227)”, Börü expressed solidarity with various figures and movements associated with Palestinian resistance. "Greetings to Martyr Izz ad-Din al-Qassam and Al-Qassam Brigades, the pioneer of the spirit of resistance in Palestine, which has been passed down from generation to generation and has reached today! Peace be upon Martyr Fathi Shikaki and Islamic Jihad, the architect of the Intifada movements that shook the foundations of the occupation regime. Peace be upon Martyr Sheikh Ahmad Yassin and the glorious HAMAS, who raised the Palestinian resistance with his struggle and blood! Greetings to all people of conscience around the world who are mobilizing for Gaza, where one of the greatest atrocities of the century is taking place. May Allah's mercy and blessings be upon our brothers and sisters who feel the pain of the oppressed Palestinian people deep in their hearts and gather in this area,” Börü proclaimed.

Börü condemned the long-standing persecution in Palestine, which he said has escalated to genocide since October 7. He cited nearly 40,000 deaths and 100,000 injuries among Palestinians, with widespread destruction of infrastructure in Gaza. “Stating that the systematic persecution and massacres that have been going on in Palestine for more than 75 years have turned into genocide as of October 7,” Börü said, “Gaza, which has been turned into the world's largest open prison since 2006, is about to turn into the world's largest cemetery with genocidal attacks. The number of our brothers and sisters who were martyred due to the atrocities that words are inadequate to describe has reached nearly 40 thousand. Nearly 100 thousand oppressed people were injured, tens of thousands of houses, schools and mosques were destroyed. Gaza's infrastructure and superstructure were completely destroyed."

He emphasized that the situation in Gaza has reached a critical point, with relentless attacks targeting all segments of the population. "The oppressed Palestinian people, who took refuge in Rafah city on the Egyptian border from the destroyed Gaza, are also exposed to the brutal attacks of the occupiers here. Hundreds of our brothers and sisters are brutally massacred every day due to genocidal attacks, without discriminating between women, children and the elderly,” Börü added.

Börü pointed out that the occupation regime, which is facing stiff resistance in Gaza, plans to expel Gazan civilians who took refuge in Rafah city to the Sinai Peninsula. “The occupation regime, which has a new Nakba and diaspora plan, wants to take an important step for the dream of Arz-i Mevud (the promised land) by occupying the Sinai Peninsula, which has theological importance for them. The occupation regime, which is trying to realize the Ben Gurion Canal Project, which will pass through the borders of Gaza and connect the Mediterranean Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba, is taking steps to force the oppressed Palestinian people to migrate. It is obvious that the port built by the US in Gaza, the construction of which was completed recently, serves this project. The evil plans that the evil alliance of evil led by the imperialist USA is trying to realize step by step are aimed at a fragmented, weakened Ummah geography where anarchy and chaos reign. Therefore, as the Islamic Ummah, we have to be vigilant. We have to know our friend and enemy well and take a stand accordingly,” he asserted.

Börü called for political, economic, and military support for HAMAS and other resistance groups, describing them as the main obstacle to Israeli plans. “HAMAS and other resistance groups are the biggest obstacle in front of the developments that will open the doors of chaos and occupation for Palestine, especially for Egypt and all Middle Eastern countries. HAMAS, which makes all kinds of sacrifices for the Islamic Ummah, should be supported not only politically but also economically and militarily,” he emphasized.

He also highlighted the humanitarian crisis in Gaza due to the blockade on aid supplies from Egypt. “With the Zionist occupation regime's occupation of the Gaza side of the Rafah border crossing on May 7, the passage of humanitarian aid from Egyptian territory to Gaza has stopped. While the aid materials intended to be delivered to Gaza from the Egyptian side of the border are being held in trucks, a new wave of famine is being experienced on the Gaza side. Unless aid supplies are sent to Gaza on a regular basis, mass deaths due to starvation are not far away. Health services in Gaza and North Gaza have come to a complete halt and even primary care services are not available. At least 700 thousand people living in these regions are on the brink of a new disaster. Urgent action must be taken to establish field hospitals and to send medical aid supplies and paramedics to these regions where a humanitarian catastrophe is taking place.”

The statement criticized the International Criminal Court (ICC) for its perceived bias, condemning the request to arrest HAMAS leaders while applauding the call to arrest Israeli officials for crimes against humanity. “We see the International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor General's request for the arrest of the occupation regime's prime minister and defense minister for committing crimes against humanity against Palestinians as positive,” Börü said. “However, we see the same Prosecutor's request for the arrest of Yahya Sinwar, the head of HAMAS in Gaza, Mohammed Deif, the general commander of the Palestinian resistance, and Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the HAMAS Political Bureau, as an unjust and purposeful attempt and we reject it. We condemn the request for the arrest of HAMAS leaders by the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, who considers the oppressed along with the oppressor and the righteous along with the unjust. On the other hand, while the occupation regime is not a party to the International Criminal Court, Palestine is. Therefore, if an arrest warrant is issued by the International Criminal Court, there will be no arrest for the prime minister and defense minister of the occupation regime, while HAMAS leader Ismail Haniyeh will be arrested in 123 countries that are parties to the convention. As such, we state that we are aware of the perception operations of the International Criminal Court and the foot games that are made up for its cover, and we shout that no one has the right to judge the Palestinian resistance.”

Börü praised global protests in support of Palestine and urged continued efforts to raise awareness and apply pressure through boycotts and international initiatives. “We congratulate the students who stood up for the oppressed people who were massacred in Palestine in universities across Europe, especially in the USA, and that they wish these protests, which are the footsteps of the global intifada, to spread to all countries,” he said.

He concluded by calling for widespread action: “As stated in Al Misaq, the founding declaration of HAMAS, Palestine is an Islamic Waqf [endowment] that will not be the property of anyone. Palestine belongs to the Islamic Ummah. Jerusalem awareness must be passed on to future generations. In this context, the subject of ‘Jerusalem’ must be included in detail in the New Curriculum Draft of the ‘Education Model for the Turkish Century’. Boycott against companies and countries that support Zionists should be widespread, and organizations whose members are Muslim states - such as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and D-8 countries - should take the initiative to ensure that the boycott is at the state level. Everyone must fulfill their responsibility to stop the massacres in Gaza. Greetings to our brothers and sisters who have been resisting, struggling and being patient against the genocide in Gaza for 8 months, may Allah help and assist them, may Allah's peace be upon you!” (ILKHA)