Islamic Emirate announces major success in curbing narcotics production

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan announced a significant reduction in poppy cultivation and drug production, reporting a 97% decrease since the enforcement of a decree banning narcotics.

Ekleme: 19.05.2024 10:30:49 / Güncelleme: 19.05.2024 10:30:49 / English News
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Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate, emphasized the effectiveness of their efforts, stating that narcotics will not be smuggled from Afghanistan to other countries, assuring the international community there is no need for concern.

"We have undertaken serious efforts to prevent the production of narcotics following the decree from our leader," Mujahid said. "Effective measures have been taken against narcotics cultivation. If any cultivation remains, it is likely in hidden gardens or remote mountainous areas."

The leader of the Islamic Emirate had previously issued a decree banning the cultivation of poppy and the production of narcotics nationwide. However, some countries and organizations continue to express concerns about potential narcotics smuggling from Afghanistan.

The Islamic Emirate remains committed to addressing these concerns and ensuring that narcotics do not pose a threat to the international community. (ILKHA)