Massive rally in Yemen's capital Sana'a in support of Gaza

On Friday, the capital of Yemen, Sana'a, witnessed a massive rally under the banner "With Gaza: Holy Jihad Knows No Red Lines," expressing solidarity with the ongoing escalation in support of Gaza and the Palestinian people.

Ekleme: 18.05.2024 13:25:58 / Güncelleme: 18.05.2024 13:25:58 / English News
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The crowds reiterated their demand for Yemen's armed forces to intensify operations against Zionist and American enemies as part of the Promised Victory Battle and Holy Jihad, aiming to halt the genocidal crimes against the Palestinian people in Gaza and the occupied territories.

Chanting slogans in support of the Palestinian cause and its resistance, the masses condemned the Zionist-American atrocities that have been escalating for eight consecutive months, creating an unparalleled tragedy in this era. They highlighted the timing of these massacres with the seventy-sixth anniversary of Nakba, denouncing the silence of Arab and Islamic nations towards the Palestinian plight.

The rally emphasized Yemen's religious, human, and moral responsibility towards the oppressed Palestinian people. The Yemeni people took to the streets across various provinces, districts, and cities under the slogan "With Gaza: Holy Jihad Knows No Red Lines."

A statement was issued in English by Yemeni university students, read by Mohammed al-Mutawakil, expressing solidarity with American and European university students facing arrests and arbitrary actions by American and Zionist authorities for condemning Israeli crimes against Gaza. Yemeni students aimed to send a message of support to their counterparts worldwide, emphasizing their collective stand against Zionist aggression.

The students condemned the ongoing brutal massacres and genocide committed by the Zionist entity against Gaza’s civilians, with American and Western complicity, amidst international and UN indifference. They called on the free people of the world and Arab university students to take serious action in support of the Palestinian people.

A statement from the million-person march hailed the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and their fighters, who have thwarted Israeli plans. It reiterated Yemeni support for their brothers in Palestine, particularly in Gaza and Rafah.

The statement warned the enemies that Yemenis would escalate their actions against aggression on Palestine. It criticized the American and British support for Israel and condemned Arab regimes' inaction in the face of Zionist atrocities.

The statement commended student protests at American and Western universities and condemned the repression faced by protesters, exposing the falsehood of American and Western human rights claims. It called for continued protests and actions supporting the Palestinian people, including economic boycotts against the enemies.

The rally expressed pride in the revolutionary leader’s stances, affirming Yemenis' readiness to engage in battle under any conditions. It praised the heroic operations of Palestinian fighters and Yemeni Armed Forces, affirming continued mobilization and activities until victory is achieved and all enemy attempts to weaken the internal front are thwarted. (ILKHA)