Nigeria: Mosque attack in Kano leaves 11 dead in local dispute

At least 11 people were killed and many more injured in an attack on a mosque in Gadan village, Kano state, on Wednesday.

Ekleme: 16.05.2024 23:41:01 / Güncelleme: 16.05.2024 23:41:01 / English News
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The attacker, Shafi'u Abubakar, is reported to have argued with worshippers over inheritance rights. He then locked them inside the mosque and set it on fire, according to residents. Local authorities initially believed a bomb was used, but later clarified it was a "locally prepared" incendiary device.

Those killed were mostly elderly villagers. The attack sparked panic in Kano, a state with a history of religious unrest.

Footage showed significant damage to the mosque, the main place of worship for Gadan. Local media reported worshippers struggled to escape due to being locked inside.

The injured were taken to a hospital in the state capital. Police are investigating the incident and have stated it appears to be a personal dispute, not an act of terrorism. (ILKHA)