HAKSIAD backs public sector efficiency package, urges further measures

The Right Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association (HAKSIAD) expressed support for the government's recently announced "Savings and Efficiency Package in the Public Sector." The association also proposed additional measures to bolster the program's impact.

Ekleme: 14.05.2024 13:55:55 / Güncelleme: 14.05.2024 13:55:55 / English News / Diyarbakır Haberleri
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In a written statement, HAKSIAD Vice President Selahattin Güneş acknowledged the public's concern about rising living costs due to inflation. He emphasized that any economic program affecting people's well-being deserves careful scrutiny.

Güneş commended the government's focus on saving measures through public sector efficiency. He urged citizens to be more economical and businesses to prioritize value-added production. He expressed hope that these efforts would swiftly improve societal well-being.

HAKSIAD called for stricter control over government spending, eliminating waste, and allocating resources efficiently.  Güneş suggested specific measures to achieve this:

Reduced Bureaucracy: Review the mukhtar (local administrative head) system to streamline bureaucracy.

Public Expenditure Review: Reduce the number of deputies and advisors, reorganize ministerial and deputy pensions, and minimize municipal spending.

Vehicle Management: Reconcile the state's call for vehicle reduction with contractor requirements for tender projects. Many such vehicles reportedly go unused for supervision.

Public Investment Prioritization: Prioritize public investments and follow through on commitments. Grant contractors the right to cancel unfulfilled investments to free up space in investment programs.

Tax System Reform: Reorganize the tax system based on income levels to increase tax revenue. Consider a new tax amnesty program to coincide with the new economic program, allowing a fresh start for both taxpayers and the state.

Political Stability Measures: Reduce treasury aid to political parties to promote stability.

Election Cost Reduction: Analyze and reduce election costs by separately examining general and local elections.

HAKSIAD concluded by commending the public sector efficiency package as a positive step, stressing the importance of proper implementation and monitoring to ensure its success. (ILKHA)