Hamas welcomes UNGA resolution on Palestine's statehood

The Hamas Movement said that the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) resolution on Palestinian statehood is an acknowledgement of “the necessity of our Palestinian people obtaining their legitimate rights.”

Ekleme: 11.05.2024 15:06:03 / Güncelleme: 11.05.2024 15:06:03 / English News
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The Movement further characterized the overwhelming support for the resolution as an affirmation of international cooperation.

"Hamas urges the free countries of the world to intensify their efforts and provide all means of assistance and support to our Palestinian people, who yearn for freedom and to achieve their right to self-determination," Hamas stated.

Additionally, Hamas called upon the UN Security Council to recognize Palestine.

Earlier on Friday, the UNGA passed a resolution with 143 votes in favor, nine against (including the US and Israel), and 25 abstentions, backing a Palestinian bid to become a full member of the international organization. While this resolution does not grant Palestinians full UN membership, it recognizes them as qualified to join. (ILKHA)