Pro-Palestinian protesters rally against arms manufacturers at Malaysia Defense Exhibition ‘24

A group of activists gathered in front of the Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre (MITEC) on Thursday to protest against arms manufacturers participating in the Defense Services Asia (DSA) exhibition, which took place from May 6th to May 9th, 2024.

Ekleme: 10.05.2024 11:56:08 / Güncelleme: 10.05.2024 11:56:08 / English News
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The protest primarily targeted MBDA and Lockheed Martin, two platinum sponsors of the fair known for supplying arms to Israel. Despite scorching temperatures, demonstrators brandished banners, Palestinian flags, and models depicting shrouded babies, while chanting slogans calling for the liberation of Palestine.a

One protester, Nameah, a humanitarian aid volunteer who recently returned from Gaza, expressed her outrage at the ongoing genocide in Gaza. She questioned the ethics of inviting companies complicit in supplying weapons used against civilians to participate in a defense exhibition. Nameah appealed to the conscience of onlookers, emphasizing the importance of standing up for humanity and freedom.

Another participant, Mythreyar, hailing from the Malaysia Tamil community, underscored the protest's humanitarian nature, stating that it transcended religious divides. He pledged his unwavering support for the Palestinian cause and called for the freedom of Palestine.

The Defense Services Asia 2024 (DSA 2024) and related events were organized by Malaysia's Defense Ministry and Home Affairs Ministry. The presence of arms manufacturers drew criticism from the Palestine Solidarity Secretariat, which urged authorities to expel these companies from the organization.

Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad joined the call for their removal, citing disrespect to Malaysians opposed to Israeli actions and the government's support for Palestinian statehood. However, Defense Minister Khaled Nordin defended the exhibition, asserting Malaysia's stance against injustice towards Palestinians while emphasizing the event's role in promoting defense technology and trade.

Nordin clarified that the exhibition did not favor any specific country or company, highlighting the participation of various Islamic nations. He maintained that Malaysia would not intervene in the business relationships of global defense companies.