Islamic Emirate condemns Israeli genocidal aggression on Gaza

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has strongly denounced the recent assault by the Zionist regime on Gaza City's Rafah area, labeling it a grave violation of international norms.

Ekleme: 08.05.2024 18:41:10 / Güncelleme: 08.05.2024 18:41:10 / English News
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Rafah City, situated in southern Gaza, now serves as the last sanctuary for 1.4 million Palestinian Muslims displaced from various parts of Gaza during the six-month conflict and bombardment. These displaced individuals endure precarious living conditions, plagued by perpetual fear and insecurity.

In a statement, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan condemned the Zionist regime's actions as tantamount to war crimes and mass killings of Palestinian Muslims. It called upon the international community, particularly Islamic nations, to vocally oppose such atrocities and provide urgent humanitarian aid to the besieged populace in Gaza.

The statement lamented the failure of influential governments and the international community to effectively address the ongoing plight of Palestinians, which has emboldened the Zionist regime to persist in its aggression and occupation.

Despite peace proposals from Hamas, the Zionist regime continues its relentless bombing campaign against innocent civilians, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in the region. (ILKHA)