PA security forces assassinate resistance fighter in Tulkarem

Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces assassinated at dawn Thursday Ahmed Abul-Foul, a resistance fighter from the Tulkarem Brigade — an offshoot of al-Quds Brigades of Islamic Jihad, after showering his car with bullets in the occupied West Bank.

Ekleme: 02.05.2024 11:50:48 / Güncelleme: 02.05.2024 11:50:48 / English News
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In a statement, the Tulkarem Brigade said that PA security forces opened fire directly at the car of Abul-Foul, who was pronounced dead later at a hospital after doctors tried to resuscitate him.

The Brigade likened the assassination of Abul-Foul by PA forces today to those who had been carried out previously by Israeli special forces against resistance fighters in Tulkarem, Nablus and Jenin.

Martyr Abul-Foul was one of the active resistance fighters who defend Tulkarem and its refugee camps during Israeli raids.

Local sources said that PA security officers showered the car of Abul-Foul with bullets near as-Salam rotary in the southern area of Tulkarem, critically wounding him, before he was rushed to the Thabet Thabet Hospital where he died of his injuries.

Soon later, resistance fighters from the Tulkarem Brigades opened fire at the headquarters of the Tulkarem province and PA security buildings in response to Abul-Foul’s assassination.

Abul-Foul had survived many Israeli attempts to assassinate him in the West Bank.

In a related context, the Hamas Movement mourned martyr Abul-Foul and condemned the PA security forces for chasing and targeting resistance fighters in the West Bank as a “political disgrace, a national downfall and a practice that only serves the Israeli occupation.”

Hamas urged its compatriots in Tulkarem and across the West Bank to join forces with each other to stand up in the face of the rogue PA security apparatuses and their security cooperation with the Israeli occupation.

The Islamic Jihad Movement also mourned the martyr and strongly denounced the PA security forces for assassinating him. (ILKHA)