Şanlıurfa honors martyred Turkish citizen with absentee funeral prayer

Today, the city of Şanlıurfa held an absentee funeral prayer for Hasan Saklanan, a Turkish citizen tragically martyred in Jerusalem by Israeli occupation forces.

Ekleme: 01.05.2024 16:04:00 / Güncelleme: 01.05.2024 16:04:00 / English News / Şanlıurfa Haberleri
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The Eyüp Prophet Mosque was filled to capacity as mourners gathered to pay their respects. The air was charged with emotion as attendees voiced their support for resistance, chanting slogans such as 'Salute to Hamas, continue the resistance' and 'Tooth for tooth, blood for blood revenge'.

In a poignant moment following the noon prayer, Haliliye District Mufti Abdullah Yıldırım shared some personal insights about Saklanan, who was a staff member under his guidance. "Hasan came to me a few days ago, seeking permission to go to Jerusalem. When I asked him why, he simply said, 'Hodja, I want to visit Jerusalem.' However, we had heard whispers of his deeper desire to become a martyr in Jerusalem. It seems Allah Almighty accepted this wish of our brother," Yıldırım revealed.

Ramazan Saklanan, Hasan's brother, also addressed the crowd, painting a picture of Hasan as a beloved figure in their local community.

After the heartfelt speeches, the people of Şanlıurfa formed orderly lines for the absentee funeral prayer, led by Abdullah Zengin. The ceremony concluded with a visit to the Bihemi Condolence House in the region, where people continued to pay their respects to Martyr Hasan Saklanan. This solemn event served as a powerful reminder of the heroic story behind the headlines. (ILKHA)